How To Load Website Faster using WebP | Techcinefun

Creating a Website (or) Blog is quick and easy, thanks to online tools like Blogger, WordPress etc.

Then to make it shine (or) easy to eyes, we will add images and videos to make a post engaging and interesting to read and in process of doing it, the website starts loading slowly and will lose the user's due to low response time(loading time).

On average a user waits less than 3sec for a page to load and we have to load the website and make it clickable(in case it is mobile) under 3sec.

In today's post, I will share, How to load the website (or) blog in less than 3sec.

Since we already discussed one of the major factors is the loading of images, if we decrease this time, then our pages will load quick and fast.

Google has come up with image format(common image formats .jpg, .png etc) called WebP which according to Google make the web faster, now comes the question what is webp and how do I make the image WebP?

Then let's jump into it.

What is WebP?

WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Using WebP, webmasters and web developers can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster and you can use on Android Apps too for faster image processing and loading.

WebP lossless images are 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images. Read detailed information here.

WebP images are compatible and will load on all major browsers which include Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge.

Now comes the question, how should I convert the images and convert them into WebP.

How To Convert Image to WebP?

Although there is no GUI software available except the Adobe plugin for the Adobe software, there is some good online website, which converts common image formats such as png, jpg to webp and vice-versa.

This simple and easy to use website with no much fuss does the job of converting your existing images in the png, jpg and other formats to webp.

This website is not as simple as above one, however, it is detailed and has options to customize the output.

It has a Chrome extension too, where you can the converted image on the go without visiting the website.

To convert images to Webp and load your website (or) blog faster.

How To Check Speed of My Website?

So you converted your images and loaded into the website (or) blog, now you want to make sure, WebP images are loading faster than the normal image format.

In the above website just paste your website (or) blog URL and click on analyze, it will give all the details and optimization you can do to make your website load faster.

You can analyze particular post page by uploading the image in png (or) formats and then uploading the image the WebP, you can verify the time taken to load both the images.

If you have additional and better suggestions, please share your opinion in the comments section.


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