
Showing posts from 2013

How to sign-in and sign-out of Google chrome

So you are actively using Google Chrome as your default browser and visiting sites, bookmarking every link you come across, however now you have decided to carry this bookmarks everywhere with you by syncing (or) signing into Google Chrome and you did it, but what if you don't want others to view your links, here is the video to all your queries

Apache not Starting in Xampp through control panel

So you have done your work in web server and stopped all the services and switched of your computer, when you reboot it and start your xampp again then you may find that apache is not running and you might get like this as shown in image below To solve this first stop then go to the terminal and type pidof apache2 and you may find four to five different types of numbers for Eg: 1022,1023,1024,1026, these are the process created by apache and has not been killed,so kill it using command sudo kill -9 processno(Eg:sudo kill -9 1022) ,so kill all those process using the command shown for all the numbers. Then again type pidof apache2 to check if there are any process left,if you get again some numbers then kill it using the command shown above follow this until you don't get any numbers.Then press start,now all the services will be running and hence your web-server will be up and running. So before starting the xampp on reboot check for processes of apache a...

Issue's related to Wordpress install in Ubuntu 12.10,13.04,13.10

If you are thinking of developing website using popular blogging and CMS software Wordpress in Ubuntu locally in your machine then you may need to follow below steps to smoothly run your Wordpress. Prerequisites...? Get the Latest Wordpress software. How To Get The Result→ When you install xampp in /opt directory,by default you don't have any permissions of writing (or) deleting any files in that directory,so if you try to paste the wordpress directory in htdocs then it will not allow you to move. To solve this go to terminal and type chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/lampp/htdocs                                                                                                     (owner name):(groupname) Now, you...

How To Add Menu Entry to Xampp in Ubuntu 12.10,13.04,13.10

So you have installed the xampp in Ubuntu 12.10,13.04,13.10, if you haven't installed you want to go through my previous post " How to install xampp ". after installing you may want to add a menu entry (or) desktop shortcuts so that you can easily start and stop instead of doing it through terminal. Prerequisites...? You will need to install python-glade2 for the XAMPP control panel to work: Go to terminal and type  sudo apt-get install python-glade2 How To Get The Result→ Then create a file called XAMPP-Control-Panel.desktop  using text editor in  desktop (or) Home folder and put the following in it: [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Name=XAMPP Control Panel GenericName=Control Panel Comment=XAMPP Control Panel Exec=gksudo "/opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel" Icon=/opt/lampp/htdocs/favicon.ico StartupNotify=true StartupWMClass="" Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Dev...

Re-size Images in Ubuntu

The Ubuntu doesn't ships with any default image editor's which provides you an option of re-sizing and rotating the images, so if you think of re-sizing images and don't want to install heavy tools like Gimp, F-spot etc, then you can install Nautilus Image Converter ( sudo apt-get install nautilus-image-converter ) from Ubuntu Software Center which adds two context menus in nautilus so you can right click choose " Re-size image " which presents you with the GUI to perform the necessary action.    Prerequisites...?  First Install Imagemagick through terminal (or) Ubuntu Software Center. In the terminal type ( sudo apt-get install imagemagick ).  How To Get The Result→  First log-out and log-in back to so that changes can be made to your context menu(i.e; right click menu).  Then Right click any image (or) bulk of image to re-size.

Change The Look of Firefox In GNOME 3.6

Ubuntu GNOME ships with Firefox as its default browser but under the default Adwaita theme in GNOME 3.6 Firefox doesn't looks as it should have been. There are 2 Add-ons which will revamp the look of Firefox and remove the title bar when maximized in GNOME 3.6. GNOME 3 for Firefox styles Firefox with Adwaita tab styles, widgets, buttons and hinting.The theme will work fine with Firefox 22 and up.Add the  GNOME 3  to your Firefox and make it look better. HTitle for FireFox forces it to lose it's title bar and gives more space to display your webpages. Add the HTitle to your Firefox for GNOME 3.6.

How to install xampp 1.8.1 in Ubuntu 12.10,13.04,13.10

So you have Installed the Ubuntu 12.10 and now wants to add the xampp (or) lampp into it...then follow this steps Download the latest version of xampp for either 32 (or) 64 bit from the link  Download xampp Go to the terminal and log in as administrator using the commands sudo su Then before extracting the tar file navigate to directory where it has been downloaded           For eg: I downloaded it from Chrome and it saved me in a Downloads folder, so I navigated to the downloads folder first then extracting the tar file So now use this command to extract the tar file  tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.8.1.tar.gz -C /opt For 64bit version: Start If you downloaded the 64 bit then you need to install the 32bit libraries from repository to start the xampp, otherwise you will get this error message " XAMPP is currently only availably as 32 bit application. Please use a 32 bit compatibility library for your system." ...

Sound Problem in Ubuntu 12.10 & 13.04

As I installed the Ubuntu 12.10, every thing looks fine but when I played the video in YouTube there was a problem with sound,the sound was randomly cutting out and it irritated me to watch the video,so I thought to find the solution for this and I found out after some hiccups.... Just open the terminal  and type alsamixer   Navigate to Auto-Mute Mode  and change its status to Disable  if it is Enabled .... Hurray now YouTube video works with audio with no no sound cutting problems.