
Showing posts from June, 2016

How to Add Git to Android Studio Projects and pushed it to (or) share it to GitHub

To add version control such as git to your Android Studio Projects and then sharing it to Github follow the below steps: First, create the android project Then go to VCS  --> Import into Version Control  --> Create Git Repository Please find the image below for the reference Then select the root of your project for git init, refer to the image below Then go to Android Studio select root of project , right click and then select Git --> Add, refer to the image below Now again right click project name and select Git-->Commit, refer to the image below once you select commit you will be presented with another screen where you can write commit message and select commit Now our project has been added to the git any changes from now on will be tracked and added to the version control Share Project on GitHub To share the project on GitHub follows the below steps: Go to VCS --> Import into...

Android:How to parse JSON using Okhttp Library Example with Custom View (ImageView + TextView)

Hello to everyone, Today I am posting about JSON Parsing in Android using OkHttp Library. I went through many post for parsing json but there aren't any useful (or) detailed approach (or) step by step approach, so I decided to make a project with git and detailed every step in it.  You can get the whole code on GitHub JSONParsingUsingOkhttp .  Here each and every commit describe the steps I have taken to build the project, just import this project into the Android Studio and navigate through each and every commit to know the steps.  If you find it useful just share this project.

Google Brings Prompt as another option for Two-Step Verification for Android,iOS and Web

Technology giant Google has been advising on two-step verification for additional security of user accounts. For those who still don't use two-step verification, we recommend you enable the security feature following these simple steps. Now, Google is introducing a new Prompt feature to simplify its two-step verification process to make it easier to sign-in for Android and iOS users. While the new prompt feature in two-step verification will be available to Android as well as iOS users, Google points out that iOS users will need the Google Search app installed on their phone to use Google prompt. Android users will get the feature will have to update Google Play Services. Google says that the new feature is being rolled out gradually and may "potentially take longer than 3 days for feature visibility." Here’s how to do it: Go to the Google’s account page. Navigate to Sign-in & Security. Click the Signing in to Google button. And select 2-step verification...