
Showing posts from August, 2015

Windows 10 keyboard Shortcuts (or) Windows logo keyboard Shortcuts

If you have installed the Windows 10 OS, want to have a look at the keyboard shortcuts for quick access then this the right place you have been, have a look at it, then try it yourself and enjoy!!!! Windows logo key +  t   =  Shows the Taskbar Taskbar Windows logo key +  a  =  Notifications (or) Action Center Action Center Windows logo key  +  d  =  Desktop Desktop Windows logo key  +  e  =  Quick Access Quick Access Windows logo key  +  h  =  Captures the Current Screen and Give You Option To Share Sharing Screen Windows logo key  +  i  =  Settings Settings Screen Windows logo key  +  j, Windows + f, Windows + n,Windows + w = Searches the desktop Desktop Screen Showing Selected files, folders and Application Shortcuts Windows logo key  +  k = Searches for Wireless Display and Audi...

How to Change the [Windows logo key + e] to This PC (or) My Computer instead of Quick Access

If you are recently installed the new Windows 10 OS to your PC, then the most recent change they have made to the most used keyboard shortcut  Windows logo key + e will point to Quick Access by default instead of This PC (or) My Computer , so if you are wondering how to change this setting you have to follow the below steps Just press Windows logo key + e go to Quick Access ---> Right Click on Quick Access on the Left Hand Side ---> Options ---> Chnage Open File Explorer to ---> This PC Below Are the Screenshots depicting the steps: Step 1 : Quick Access Step 2: Right Click and Select Options Step 3: Select This PC

To Show (or) Hide the Keyboard When User Launches the Activity

If you are developing an Android Application which make use of EditText view, which every developer make use of one way (or) other, here is tip to load the keyboard as soon as you enter the activity (or) disable and show only when user places the cursor on the EditText TIP 4:            To show the keyboard as soon as the user launches the activity (or) enters the screen which contains EditText fields, Add the below line of code to AndroidManifest.xml file inside the tag : android :windowSoftInputMode= "adjustResize|stateHidden"             To disable the keyboard and show only when user places the cursor use the below line of code: android :windowSoftInputMode= "adjustResize|stateVisible"

How to move between Edittexts using Android Softkeyboard

So, you are developing a Login Screen (or) Registration Screen in which you allowed the user to type their details (or) credentials one by one, so instead of placing the cursor in each of the fields, we can as a developer give them the option of navigating the fields through the inbuilt keyboard TIP 3:              To navigate (or) switch through the fields in the Login form (or) Registration from (or) Any other form just add the below attribute to every view android:imeOptions="actionNext"

How to Install Both Android Studio and Eclipse with a Single SDK

To install both Android Studio and Eclipse with a standalone SDK follow the steps as described below First let us download our new editor for building apps code-named Android Studio from this link  Download Android Studio  the latest build. Secondly Download the Eclipse ADT package bundle that includes Eclipse IDE, ADT plugin from Android and Android SDK. Unzip the Eclipse ADT package and run the eclipse, make sure you have Java installed i.e; the minimum recommended is Java 1.7 After successfully starting the eclipse, move the SDK folder out of eclipse Now go to eclipse add the SDK path by visiting Windows >>> Preferences >>> Android >>> SDK Location. Now when you Launch Android Studio , you will be prompted to enter the SDK location (OR) Launch the SDK manager and set the Android SDK Location field to your installed SDK path Now When you update the SDK tools,  either through Eclipse (or) Android Studio you will have the ...

How to Resize the Image and preserve its aspect ratio when downloading image from the internet in Android

When loading Images from the network, we'll need to set a specific flag, adjustViewBounds to our layout TIP 2: To re-size the image and preserve its aspect ratio among many android devices while downloading it from the network (or) internet, just add the following attribute to the Imageview android:adjustViewBounds="true"

How to Capitalized the first letter in Edit Text in Android

Many of us building Android Apps Nowadays and they need some tips (or) guidelines also some sample code's to carry on their work and serve the community, so I thought why not I share some tips regarding android apps which I came across. TIP 1 :                 To capitalized first alphabet of any word in Edit Text, just add the following attribute to your xml of EditText View android:inputType="textCapWords"